Two John Otway and Wild Willy Barrett gigs in the space of a few days. The first back at the Limelight Theatre in Aylesbury, and this is the second at The Horns in Watford.

Scandal are regular visitors. This gig was in February 2010, and, as always, they generated a great atmosphere.

June 2010: On the night of England’s dismal World Cup opener, Wired lifted the spirits with a rocking night that had everybody dancing. Lucy also provided us with another contribution to ‘The Feet Files’.

What better way is there to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon than sitting in the garden listening to some good live music? The Horns played host to The Candy Stripes. My only complaint is that I didn’t realise I could have had lunch there, too. I’ll know better next time.

I’ll tell you what’s better: doing it again the following week. This time, music was provided by the excellent Midnight Train, featuring Debra Giles. Mostly unfamiliar songs, attributed to people I’d never heard of, but good listening, all the same.

Scandal make another visit to The Horns. This is a fairly small album, taken with the ‘toy’ camera, and concentrating on visitors from The Odds. (24/7/2010)

Wilko Johnson arrived at The Horns in Watford featuring a new drummer. Support was provided by The People’s Republic of Mercia. (9/9/2010)

The Candy Stripes return to The Horns for another Sunday afternoon session. Hannah was in exuberant Halloween form.

Sunday afternoon in the Sun, in the company of the new Horns Resident Band. (032: 10/4/2011)

The Informers return to The Horns, Watford, and had the whole place rocking, as is their custom. (069: 25/6/2011)

With the 2011 Christmas season well under way, The Informers return to The Horns. (11/128: 10/12/2011)

t was almost like getting a home visit from the doctor, as Dr. Feelgood came to The Horns in Watford. Support was by The People’s Republic Of Mercia, whom I’d last seen at The Horns in September 2010 supporting Wilko Johnson. (12/033, Thursday 15/3/2012)

Wired return to The Horns in Watford for another festive night. This smallish album has no shots of the band on stage, but depicts some after-show silliness with members of the band. The album also includes some pictures of me ‘borrowed’ from Andy Tomkins, with his kind permission. (12/040, Saturday 31/3/2012)

After several months of strong hints from me and Simone Bentley, The X-certs finally got to play at The Horns in Watford. Strongly suppoted by some of their most loyal fans from Aylesbury, Biggleswade, and Hemel Hempstead (including a few members of Wired), it turned out to be a splendid evening, which we hope will be repeated. (12/042, Thursday 17th May 2012)

Candy Stripes make another welcome return to The Horns. This time it’s a Tuesday. (12/053, 5/6/2012)

In the midst of the rainy season, The Informers make another return to The Horns in Watford. (12/056, Saturday 9/6/2012)

Wired make another return to The Horns. (12/060, Saturday 16th June 2012)

At last, Four Wheel Drive come to The Horns, ostensibly to support Guns 2 Roses, but, in reality, they stole the show. (12/093, Thursday 6th September 2012)

The ZZ Tops put in a great performance at The Horns. I’d previously seen them earlier in the year at The Cambridge Rock Festival. Get along to see them if you can. (12/113, Thursday 1st November 2012)

For some reason, I missed them the last time they were this close to home. But, at last, I got to see Eddie & The Hot Rods at The Horns in Watford. Here, they’re supported by The Members. (14/032, Thursday 20th March 2014)

Scandal help Pam celebrate her birthday at The Horns, with a special serenade from Nick. (14/044, Saturday 26th April 2014)

A rare opportunity to see The Move on a visit to The Horns. (14/053, Thursday 22nd May 2014)

Immediatel after Croxfest on the same day, Rock Remedy gave us a full set just down the road at The Horns in Watford.

I hadn’t realised it was almost a year since I I’d last taken any pictures in The Horns, especially as it is my most visited venue. Anyway, here we are with The Bad Girls Groove - not as raunchy as their name would suggest. (15/025, Sunday 8th March 2015)

Rock Remedy pay another visit to The Horns. (16/036, Saturday 4th June 2016)

Three members of Eddie & The Hot Rods have got together to form Headline Maniac, playing all new material. In contrast, some former members of E&THR have also got together to form Class Of ‘76, to play some old Punk & Rock classics. The two bands often appear together, and this album represents my first opportunity to take any pictures of them (with apologies for the overall poor quality). The venue wasThe Horns in Watford. (16/061, Thursday 25th August 2016)
