Glasgow’s Nimmo Brothers at Esquire’s Bedford, ably supported by Thunderbird 5. I didn’t get many pictures of this gig, as I was selling Nimmo’s merchandise during and after their set. Oh, well. Maybe next time. At least this small album proves I was there!

March 2010: King King, featuring Alan Nimmo, of The Nimmo Brothers, appear at The Old Town Hall in Hemel Hempstead.

The Nimmo Brothers return to Esquire’s for another night of hard rocking blues. This year, support was by The Ben Poole Band. (12/11/2010)

King King, with Alan Nimmo, was the reason for my next visit to Esquires (Level 2). Some great blues and guitar work. The keyboard player was exceptional, too. (11/12/2010)

The Nimmo Brothers return to Esquire’s yet again for a further night of hard rocking blues. This year, support was by Esquires’ own Carlos Linnett. (104: 15/10/2011)
