Another of Otway’s regular events was the annual Dunkerque Weekend. This had to be experienced to be believed! Every year it seemed to get better. Then, in 2014, the weekend evolved into the Otway Converntion, held in the salubrious resort of Southend-On-Sea. I missed the first one, but in 2015, I found the weekend to be as surreal as it ever was.
2001: This link is to my ‘old’ web site, and features Dr. Feelgood. It was my first ‘Dunkerque Experience’.

2002: Another link to my ‘old’ web site, featuring Eddie & The Hot Rods, and was Richard’s first live appearance as a ‘Hot Rod’.

2003: More from my ‘old’ web site. This time we were accompanied by Max Splodge and Splodgenessabounds. No offence!

2004: The last of these links to my ‘old’ web site. The special guest was Wilko Johnson and his band.


2009: it’s hard to believe that this ‘annual’ event last took place so long ago. This, the 13th of such trips, was scaled down to just the one coach, and was undertaken without a ‘big-name’ special guest. Nevertheless, I think this weekend was a roaring success. Judge for yourselves in these pictures. Saturday started at the Red Lion in Dunkirk, with some people having breakfast, some people having a drink at the bar, and a few doing both. On, then to Dover to wait for ferries delayed by recent storms. Then a meal in Dunkerque before the gig in Le Dyck.

Sunday morning saw us having a post-breakfast aperitif of either port, or vodka and coke. I opted for the latter. Then our coach took us out of town for our lunch time party. Look out for musical carrots and Deadly’s somersaults on this day of bands, beer, and beaujolais.


2010: As always, Saturday started at the Red Lion in Dunkirk, with some having breakfast, some having a drink, and a few doing both. Now back up to three coaches, the evening saw us back in Les Quatres Ecluses. The French band, now known as Sur Les Docks, returned with their carrots, and Murray opened the show.

On Sunday morning, I had a proper hotel breakfast before the coaches took us to the same lunch time party venue as last year. Naturally, it was a bit more crowded, but well organised, and there was a greater choice of food. The ‘surprise’ special guest was Willy Barrett, who joined in the mayhem.


For 2011, an optional hotel with dinner and breakfast was on offer for the Friday night. Dinner was followed by the latest version of The Otway Lecture, which is to form the basis of a movie to be released next year. The venue was The Burlington Hotel in Folkestone. I only had two drinks; A pint of cider, and a bottle of rosé. (11/119, Friday 18th November 2011)

At Les Quates Ecluses (where else?) Murray opened the show again, and was followed by this year’s special guest, Neil Innes, who was brilliant. The show closed with a full set from Otway & The Big Band, after which we retired to The Welcome Hotel (same as last year) for some very late night beverages. (11/120, Saturday 19th November 2011)

After breakfast, we boarded our coaches and headed to a new venue, Minck in Calais, right next to the docks. The rosé was only €6 a bottle, so that was me sorted. For lunch, we had the usual splendid buffet. On stage, we were treated to the usual mayhem on stage, with Neil Innes really ‘getting it’. The show concluded with Sur Les Docks, and some pretty energetic dancing. From the Ferry home, we went back to the Burlington, where those of us staying could wind-down over another fine dinner. (11/121, Sunday 20th November 2011)


2015: The principal venue for the ‘Convention’ was The Park Inn Palace Hotel, Southend-On-Sea,, situated on the sea front overlooking the pier. After dinner, the entertainment was kicked off by Murray Torkildsen. The evening was finished off with a rousing set from our old friends, Sur Les Docks. (15/109, Friday 13th November 2015)

Saturday was in two parts. First we all battled the wind and rain (most took the train) to the Pavilion at the pier head, where there was a series of photo-shoots involving several inflatable ambidextrous guitars and one real one. The evening sessions was in Chinnery’s on the sea front, where the floor had been freshly glued for us. Unfortunately, the poor lighting made photography difficult. The show was started off by female duo, Sound Of The Sirens. Special guests were The Deborah Bonham Band. (15/110, Saturday 14th November 2015)

For the Sunday session, we stayed in the hotel as all the performers played some of their ‘party pieces’, and were later joined by Wild Willy Barrett in a duet with Richard Holgarth. A buffet lunch was also served. (15/111, Sunday 15th November 2015)


2016: Once again, the main venue for the ‘Convention’ was The Park Inn Palace Hotel. Murray opened the evening’s entertainment, and was followed by an excellent comedy set from Arthur Smith. (16/079, Friday 11th November 2016)

Saturday was again in two parts. Both, this time, in Chinnery’s, which gave no significant sign of having the floor cleaned since the previous year. The afternoon session was devoted to the ‘ghost’ theme from a track on a forthcoming album. The evening sesssion featured The Members, Jilted John, and the Otway Big Band. (16/080, Saturday 12th November 2016)

This small album comprises a few pictures of the sea front, and a firework display in the evening. The amazing thing was that, despite the weather, people were using the rides in the pleasure park.

Sunday, as always, was party time again, when everyone just had a good time.
