The Blacksmith’s Arms in St. Albans is another venue that’s fairly close to home, and frequently visited.
Still in January 2010, the night after TV Smith, I was in The Blacksmith’s Arms, St Albans to see The X-Certs. Their drummer, Steve, is also in Guitar Gangsters, whom I last saw in Dresden, also on the ETHR 2009 German tour. The rest of the Guitar Gangsters were also in the audience here.
Wired’s turn at The Blacksmith’s Arms in St. Albans. The pub layout didn’t quite suit their act, but I enjoyed it anyway. (034: 15/4/2011)
Wired’s return to The Blacksmith’s Arms found everyone in a party mood, with some good-natured silliness towards the end. (095: 23/9/2011)
The X-certs make another visit to The Blacksmith’s. It’s always a good night here. (12/031, Saturday 10th March 2012)
June 2012: Wried return to The Blacksmith’s once again. Another fun evening. (12/055, Friday 8/6/2012)
The X-certs pay another visit to The Blacksmiths Arms in St. Albans. (13/025 Friday 8th March 2013) This album also includes a couple of pictures taken at Osinsky’s in Hitchin later in the same month. (13/035 Thursday 28th March 2013).
Scandal at The Blacksmiths Arms in St. Albans. I believe it was their first visit here. (13/029, Friday 15th March 2013)
My good friends, Wired make another return to The Blacksmith’s Arm in St. Albans. Their set was preceded by a surprise musician performing to raise money for our armed forces. (13/037, Friday 5th April 2013)
The X-certs make yet another visit to The Blacksmiths Arms in St. Albans for another lively evening. (13/106, Friday 8th November 2013)
At the beginning of 2016, Wired underwent a couple of personnel changes, and here is my first album of the new line-up at The Blacksmith’s Arms. (16/024, Friday 8th April 2016)